Real Housewives with a Camera Workshop

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Learn how to use your camera and get those images you want to capture. From kids activities, family portraits and vacation shots to the special images you want to capture for yourself. Leave the carpool line and head over to one of the locations convenient for you and enjoy a several hours full of learning led by instructor and professional photographer, Fatima Donaldson. But remember, you'll have homework too!  

Fatima Donaldson

Fatima is a creative director who brings her skills and expertise to help artists and art businesses grow. She leverages all the available tools at her disposable to maximize visibility, presence, and brand to translate into success for the artists in creation, motivation, exhibition and sales of the artwork and the art business. She is the founder of The Art Nexus - a virtual artist community - whose mission is to eradicate the starving artist.  At the core of all efforts with clients and members alike, is to educate the “what and why” so that clients are in a cycle of constantly growing their body of work as well as their art business.  We strongly believe in and execute all projects with a team attitude - working along side our clients so they can shine. Because it’s not our business we are growing, it’s theirs. Done correctly, the rest will follow.

Behind the scenes at a photoshoot - LangeTwins winery


Collecting Good Souls