please provide shipping address for DROP SHIP ORDERS. Dimensions 30x40” or larger will be invoiced separately for additional shipping costs (typically $50 (30x40” & up to $150 for 40x60” canvas with floating frame)
Captured at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Abiquiu, NM home.
Nothing is less real than realism. Details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that we get at the real meaning of things. GEORGIA O’KEEFFE
Captured at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Abiquiu, NM home.
Nothing is less real than realism. Details are confusing. It is only by selection, by elimination, by emphasis, that we get at the real meaning of things. GEORGIA O’KEEFFE
please provide shipping address for DROP SHIP ORDERS. Dimensions 30x40” or larger will be invoiced separately for additional shipping costs (typically $50 (30x40” & up to $150 for 40x60” canvas with floating frame)