frag·ment /ˈfraɡmənt/
noun 1.      a small part broken or separated off something.

verb 1.      break or cause to break into fragments.

It is a reflection of the current state of our world, where individuals are navigating the shattered remnants in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the notion of a post-pandemic era, it remains an integral part of our new reality.

Delving into the symbolism of windows, akin to the eyes being the gateway to the soul, windows serve as portals into one's home on various levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual. As I traverse the globe, what I often encounter are fragments that linger, offering fleeting glimpses into a bygone era while simultaneously presenting a distorted version of reality.

The originals have sold; however, I’m able to offer prints 12x18” or 16x24” on paper or canvas wrap .


Up Against A Wall


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